Thursday, July 5, 2007

$170 to CC

WooHoo! Payday! I'm off to the bank to put $170 toward the card!! I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I could lose weight as fast as I can drop debt. HEE.


  1. I found your blog via

    It's exciting to read about your progress. I am working on paying down over $22,000 debt incurred through my "business" opporunity through Mary Kay.

    Between making production (the quota) each month to get to the level of directorship (thinking I would be making more money) and making production each month to maintain that level and recruiting all my customers (sales then went way down) I found myself in a pink pickle.

    I got out of the pink fog and felt so terrible about the mess I had put my family in.

    But, I just take one day at a time, try to live frugally, use Dove soap or Cetaphil to wash my face and my skin and soul have never felt better.

    When I found my eyes were opened to the fact that my story is like many, many other women's stories.

    I found out that I was not lazy. I was not a loser. I didn't really go to "Mary Kay Heaven". I found out that 98% of the people who have a Mary Kay "business" are losing money.

    Anyways, thanks for your blog. It inspires me to keep plugging away at the debt.

    That was an expensive life lesson.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm sorry to hear about your expensive life lesson. But, you're on the right track...take one day at a time, and try to live frugally.

    If you haven't read it already, "America's Cheapest Family" is a great resource for more ideas on living frugally.

    I think everyone has buyer's regret for most, if not all of what we purchase with our credit cards. It never seems to be worth what we have to work today to pay for what we bought yesterday.

    So, my goal is to pay off our last 2 credit cards, close those accounts, and live on CASH!!

    I hope you will check back periodically and keep me posted on your success. We can keep each other motivated to push on.

    God bless you.

  3. Suz,

    Thank you! How cool is that?! I feel honored to be on your list of 5 Rockin' Girl Bloggers!!

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