Friday, May 1, 2009

The Car is Paid Off!! $806.06 final payment!

Today is a day for celebration! The car is paid off. Next one to tackle? The home improvement loan. I estimate the end of the summer to get that one off our backs. I can't wait. 2009 is going to end with great financial successes!!


  1. Whooot! Congrats girl!

    I'm proud of you for sticking to your goals!

  2. You go, girl!!!!!!!

  3. Way to go. Thanks for being such an inspiration. We have been able to payoff over $6000 in last 6 months and will have $5000 more done in next 5 months while doubling our emergency fund. It is so exciting to see the debt go down and the savings go up!

  4. You have done an awesome job. Good for you. I am just are a single income family, what is it you are doing to earn extra money to get this done? I am a stay home mom and always looking for ways to make money. I have not had any luck as of yet. What is your story?


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