Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Facts As They Stand Today:

I had a request to tell what amount of debt I have. I suppose I've intentionally avoided putting this information out there, much like the way we don't like to state just how much we weigh when talking about losing weight.

So, I'm stripping down and getting on that debt scale, and the results are:

Credit Card: 15,000
Home Improvement Loan: 8,000
Car Loan: 7,000
Student Loan: 19,000

TOTAL: 49,000

Now, that does seem (and feel) like a lot of debt. And, just as carrying 50 extra pounds of physical weight makes me feel sluggish and keeps me physically inactive, carrying around that debt makes me feel financially sluggish. But, it is what it is. I just need to take out one chunk at a time. Here are the possibilities for how to tackle it.

1,000 a month = 49 months (4 years)
1,500 a month = 33 months ( under 3 years)
2,000 a month = 24 months (2 years)

So, just as losing 50 pounds takes 1-2 pounds a week (accomplished through controlled portions), so will debt payoff be accomplished. Little by little, month by month.

I'm aiming for 2,000 a month, but I'll be happy with any amount that lowers balances and closes accounts over time.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog site while reading Blogging Away Debt. I am taking this Debt Free Journey right along with you! Thank you for your honesty and encouraging words!
    God Bless!
    Debt Free Journey


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