Thursday, March 8, 2007


Currently I am working the following to further my cause:

1. Tutoring 3 days a week (approximately $400-500 per month)
2. Magazine deliveries 3 days a month ($280 per month)
3. Mary Kay sales ($100-200 per month)


  1. what magazines do you deliver?

    Good for you for paying off your debt. We are in the process of doing the same. It is so liberating!

  2. Thank you for your support. It feels good, doesn't it?

    I no longer deliver magazines, but when I did, it was Suburban Parent. They're like an advertising circular with some articles as well.

    Now, I am a test proctor, and I'm tutoring a student through the summer.

    Good luck to you and your family on paying things off. Greatest feeling in my life (in terms of finances) is driving a car I TRULY OWN. :-)


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