Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cell Phones

Why do I pay $60 a month for a cell phone? I know...in case of emergencies, I have kids, it's a convenience, who doesn't have a cell phone?

Well, for the sake of emergencies, can't I have a 'prepaid phone' that I can use to dial 911?

The kids can't talk to me on the cell, and the only reason to use my kids as the excuse would be in the event there's a kid emergency, so the prepaid phone that could dial 911 (or my husband) should take care of that.

Convenience? Not really. HAVING that phone on me just means that I'm more inclined to ignore the people and events going on right next to me in order to call and talk to someone who will likely ignore the people and events going on around her just so we can talk about things that may or may not matter.

I haven't fully committed to the idea of getting rid of my phone plan, but I'm looking into it. Seriously, if I look back at the list of calls from my last cell bill, I am sure I won't find one single time or call that was SO necessary that it justifies a $60 bill.

I think if I look hard enough, I will find a marketing ploy that has successfully convinced me I 'need' to pay $60 a month to have a cell phone. (kind of like that great marketing ploy that told me 'these days you just have to have a car payment.')


  1. I dropped my Verizon monthly plan in favor of prepaid cell service and have never regretted it. I was with Tracfone for a couple of years, liked it well enough but when I replaced my aging phone with a better one things didn't go well. Then I found Page Plus Cellular, which is a prepaid cell provider using the Verizon network - which is just fine for my needs. Their rates are great, and if you keep the phone activated, not an expensive proposition, the minutes don't expire. http://www.pagepluscellular.com/

    (BTW, I am ONLY a customer, I have NO financial interest in Page Plus and nothing to gain or lose from mentioning my experience with them. I found your blog from a post on the Pink Truth discussion board.)

  2. Suz,

    Thank you. I have been looking for a prepaid plan, but they all seem to cost about $15 a month b/c of expiring minutes. What does yours cost to keep your phone activated?


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