Friday, May 4, 2007

Payment Plans

I was playing around on the internet recently, and I came across some online schools for getting trained in real estate. I'm a curious person, so I requested a free catalog (not that I'm going to dive into real estate school or anything, just curious).

I was contacted by someone who wanted to answer my questions and help me get started. (I figured I'd ask questions). She explained what I wanted to know, and she explained the course "packages" available. When I asked her if I could sign up for one course at a time (thinking I could pay for one course up front, then while working on it, save for the next course and so on) she asked me, "Why would you want to do that?" She explained that they had their own financing department that could allow me to pay around $50 per month until I paid off the debt.

I'm not saying this is a horrible idea, I'm just saying it says something about the status of the world we live in that paying up front for things one at a time would be considered the odd thing to do. We live in a time in which it is ingrained in our minds that we purchase things on a payment plan.

Something to think about.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I bought a custom sofa years ago by bringing in my overtime checks and paying it off before I actually ordered it. They thought that I was nuts, but I felt so much better doing it that way.


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