Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What a difference a year makes!

Thanks to another wonderful website,, I was discussing with some efriends today just what each of us has accomplished this first quarter of 2010. That got me to thinking about just where I was a year ago in terms of the debt snowball...

In looking back at older posts, I can see that just a year ago I still had a car payment AND I still had a home improvement loan, credit card, and student loan. TODAY I am close to paying off our final credit card. Then, I will just have the student loan. A year from NOW, we just may be DEBT-FREE!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taking Necessary Precautions

Well, I tried to avoid it for as long as I could. I didn't want to require anyone to register with the blog in order to post a comment. However, I have had so many spam posts of a "Nigerian Scam" persuasion, that I'm forced to require it.

If you ever wish to post a comment, just know that registration is only there to hopefully deter the phishers out there. I look forward to your words of support, suggestion, or otherwise.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

$4,200 paid to CC Since Jan. 1!!!

Again, I've let this blog fall by the wayside. However, I have NOT stopped making forward progress in dropping the debt. Since that last post, I've paid an additional $4,200 towards our final credit card. If I were to take a quick peak, I could tell you the exact total we have left, but I'm rather lazy. So, I'll ballpark it...we have just about $8,000 left on that card.

Each time the number in the thousands place goes down, I feel the momentum and excitement building!!