Wednesday, September 19, 2007

$1,632.35 to CC!!!

Today I made a MONSTER PAYMENT to the credit card. I made a business decision a few weeks ago that I should return what Mary Kay products I could to Corporate for repurchase. I made this decision for the following reasons:

1. I had not been working that business since beginning as a test proctor.
2. I could not work BOTH as a test proctor and as a Mary Kay consultant (too much time).
3. I was making more money at my test proctoring than I had been as a MK consultant.
4. If I wasn't selling what I had in my inventory, I didn't want that product to go to waste.

It made sense to send back what I was able to send back, and put that money to good use paying off debt.

Having done so, I am now just a few hundred dollars away from PAYING OFF, and CLOSING this account!!!

My next test proctoring paycheck should cover, that debt WILL BE PAID OFF BEFORE OCTOBER!!!!


Friday, September 7, 2007

$400 to CC

Paid $400 to the credit card today!!!

It's time for a countdown:

Balance before this payment... $3,164 (and some change)

Minus $400

New Balance:
